2019 Is Here…Are You Ahead or Behind?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

The first full week of 2019 is upon us! Did you wake up excited today to take on the world…or were you ready to stay in bed? I will share that initially I was ready to stay in bed and not reset the clock to start another year. In the Insurance Industry like many Industries our success is measured annually and most often our goals and accomplishments reset at midnight December 31st.

For some this is a harsh reminder that they have to start again and for others it is a fresh start to put the past behind them. Either situation is OK. A wise person once told me the following, ” Nothing good lasts too long and nothing bad lasts too long.” Our careers are no different. So if 2018 was a tough, challenging, difficult year for you that is O.K., you get a fresh start. Or if 2018 was one of the greatest years you ever experienced that is O.K. too. Either situation is FUEL to push you forward. Let downs, challenges and failures can FUEL you to make changes while success, growth, achievement can FUEL you to continue progressing.

Here is to a great 2019 to all of us; personally, professionally, spiritually and emotionally.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Take a few moments to reflect on 2018. What do you want to change? What would you like to keep the same or have even more of? Check your mind, is it “RIGHT” for the New Year? If your mind is not right you are already behind. Get your mind right and if you need help, lean on others to help you. Make this year a year to remember….AND AS I LIKE TO SAY “ELEVATE YOUR AGENCY!”


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