John Lucero, is a successful business owner with over 20 years of experience in multi-line insurance agency operations for several major National Brands. With an expertise in Recruiting, Educating, Coaching, Developing and Product Knowledge, his passion and drive to ELEVATE Insurance Agencies to higher levels of success is what keeps him inspired about the future and motivated about making a difference.
Comments 2
I love this video, it is all that I am experiencing with my new agency. As I enter month 8 it has been a learning experience and a very enlightening time. I am excited and I refuse to see my cup as half empty, to me it is half full and I am so close to the top, I can smell it!!!!!
Thank you John, you make it possible for people like me to continue to dream!
Armando, the cup is always half full! Stay the course this industry has done amazing things for me and my family. Glad you enjoyed the blog today. Feel free to SHARE