2021 Midpoint Is Upon Us!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today, June 30th 2021 marks the midpoint of your year!!  Is it crazy to you as it is to me to think that we are already at the halfway point of the Year 2021?  I find myself in a place of reflection today, a moment to see where I have come thus far into the year and MORE IMPORTANTLY WHERE DO I HAVE LEFT TO GO AND ACCOMPLISH FOR THE REMAINING HALF OF 2021??  

This blog is your place of inspiration, revelation, perspective, knowledge on all aspects of being and becoming sucessful in your Insurance Agency or even as an Insurance Agent.  It is also the place to challenge yourself and to take action to create new, different and more massive results!!

As you sit here today reading this message just like I am at, at the exact midpoint of 2021, I want to challenge you to answer the following questions for yourself and for your Agency:

  1. For the first half of 2021 what worked well and was a success for my Insurance business?
  2. For the first half of 2021 what failed to work and was a detriment to my Insurance business?
  3. Where am I in relation to my overall 2021 targets/goals at the halfway point?
  4. Am I on track or off track to my target?
  5. If I am on track what fuel can I add to the fire to explode even larger results?
  6. If I am off track what course corrections need to be made to get myself back on track to my targets?
  7. Am I a 1st half starter or a 2nd half finisher?
  8. What is one decision I have failed to make that I know I need to make NOW to finish the 2nd half of 2021 strong?
  9. Where can I turn for help in my Agency to close the gaps on my 2021 goals?
  10. Am I ready to finish the 2nd half of 2021 and if not what do I need to do TODAY to get myself psychologically, physically and emotionally ready?

Insight and knowledge without revelation and ACTION is time wasted.  Answer these questions, gain some insight, expose revelations……AND TAKE ACTION…NOW!!!

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