3 Best Ways To Grow Your Business By Improving Your Health

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Small Business Owners are some of the most self-sacrificing humans on earth. They give up their time and effort to help build and create a great products and services for their customers and clients. While this sounds heroic, the reality for most Small Business Owners is NOT so glamorous. This shows up more times than not their health, an area of life that is NON-NEGOTIABLE. But what exactly does it look like to continue to be giving to others through our business, but not neglect our health. There are 3 BEST PRACTICES that if you can sort of “CHECK OFF” each day will promise to improve your overall health and have you functioning more like a race car, rather than an old beat up station wagon.


Never go hungry sounds like a cliché in this day in age since the health boom erupted a few years back. But the fact of the matter is, skipping meals has massive consequence! When there is lack of food there is lack of brain function. We stop thinking clearly, experience get head aches, have fog, can’t remember or recall even the simplest of things…and it just gets worse from here. So, your best bet is to drop by any grocery store and pick you up some nuts, fruits, protein bars etc. to have around you to grab and snack on a couple times of day. TRUST ME your business will thank you!


Again, another cliché we hear NON-STOP right?! RIGHT, because without water (50-75% of our entire body) we become dehydrated. What happens when we become dehydrated? Oh I don’t know just a few things like, memory loss, brain fog, irritation, pour vision, dizzy spells, constipation, tired, headaches and SO MUCH WORSE! This is one area of your health that if taken care of could truly change your life in business, in ways you might least expect. How to improve on this is actually fairly easy. Most avid water drinkers swear by having your own thermos or cup that not only holds you accountable, but can also make you attached to having that water around you at all times. I personally love the Yeti. So get a cool cup and keep it with you at all times!


UGH I KNOW!! But this is not ever going to change or go away so JUST DO IT. What can you do to help improve this? Which by the way,will only improve your health for business. My best suggestion to you is to MEAL PREP your veggies! Yep sounds silly maybe. Most do these elaborate meal preps for fitness competitions, but that is not what I am suggesting here at all. I am suggesting simply meal prepping a good sautéed veggie mix into mini containers (amazon sells mini disposable ones that are awesome) and freeze until ready to eat. It is truly that simple. AGAIN, your business will thank you later when you are feeling better and have added confidence.

Put your health on priority and yourself first and watch the return of investment show up in your business in ways you could have never predicted.



Jeanette Lucero

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