3 Dynamics for “Power Of Mentorship”

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 2 Comments

Alone, Afraid, Scared, Frustrated, and Lost!  Are those some of the feelings you posses currently in the state of your Insurance Agency?  Would it make you feel a bit better that most people when being honest with this questions would answer with a RESOUNDING YES!!!  The better question is how do you break free from the emotions?  The key is mentorship, coaching and guidance.  I will outline today three dynamics of crucial importance in finding mentorship.

  1. Ask For Help
  2. Seek and find someone that can give you CRITICAL feedback
  3. Seek a person you emulate in your Industry
  1. Asking for Help-This is the first step and the most important dynamic of finding and building a mentorship relationship.  Simply remember this, “they sought help and received help too.”
  2. Critical Feedback-if a person is not able or willing to give you CRITICAL feedback you cannot grow and mentorship will not occur.  You are not seeking a friend, you are seeking a mentor, to challenge you, push you and give you the crucial feedback necessary to expand!
  3. The Person you Emulate-don’t hate,PARTICIPATE!  That person that you see doing what you want and long for is easy to be JEALOUS or HATED toward.  I challlenge you to see that this jealousy or hate is because they have want you want.  So don’t hate but rather participate they may just be the person most willing to expand and guide you.  Remember Point #1 they probably were mentored once or currently TOO!

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