3 Powerful Insights To Change Your 2020…AND YOUR LIFE!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As an Insurance Coach, Trainer, Mentor and Leader I graciously and excitably look forward to this time of year as the PLANNING for the year ahead.  I have been spending the last few weeks in one-on-one meetings with Insurance Agency Owners to focus and plan for 2020….A YEAR THAT WILL BE PHENOMENAL.  Yet, in order for me to be an innovative, effective Leader I must constantly be developing myself as well.  Today, I will share some insights from what I am learning that can positively impact your Year 2020 and MOST IMPORTANTLY YOUR OVERALL LIFE!

  1. If you are not defined by a vision of the future you are only left with the memories of the past
  2. You cannot think greater than you FEEL
  3. Stop living by cause and effect, start living by CAUSING EFFECT!
  1. If you are not defined by a vision of the future you are only left with the memories of the past: Think about this concept as it relates your Insurance Agency and your Life.  If you do not have a vision of the future your are in a loop of living with  your past results, memories and emotions that are tied to the past behavior.  You and I are a creation of our past success and failures and without getting clear on a future vision WE ARE IN REALITY JUST LOOPING OUR PAST INTO OUR PRESENT REALITY!
  2. You cannot think greater than you feel: If your emotions are negative, angry, resentful and/or upset IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to get your mind to create a greater image of that which it currently feels!  Can your attitude in your Insurance Agency and your Life and you open up the opportunity TO THINK GREATER BECAUSE YOU FEEL GREATER!
  3. Stop living by cause and effect, start living by CAUSING EFFECT!: Are you a victim or are you a victor?  If you are a victim than your life is a constant loop of circumstances, people, careers, employers that create a CAUSE that leads to the EFFECT OF YOUR LIFE!  Imagine the Power in your Agency if you became the CAUSE in your path to create the EFFECTS you desire.  We all have the internal power to CAUSE OUR OWN EFFECTS…we are not victims but rather VICTORS  to our own existence!

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