John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy 4th of July everyone.

Today is a day of celebration and for many a day of vacation with friends and family.  Yet, I did not want the day to go by without spending a few minutes in reflection of the TRUE MEANING OF THE DAY.

The birth day of the United States of America…a day that a few COURAGEOUS, BRAVE MEN took a stand against the dictatorial rule of Great Britain to declare their FREEDOM.  Stop and reflect on this for just a moment.  Imagine all that you have ever known, experienced and been involved in and for these men and their families they rose up, put their lives, their signatures and their future destiny and abolished all that they had ever known for the opportunity of freedom in a NATION unknown!!!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER: Have you taken a stand for what your Core beliefs are?  Have you been willing to risk it all for the POSSIBILITY of something better?  Does your life, your family, your marriage need you to take a stand and DECLARE it’s Independence from the comforts and confines that society has placed on it?  We live in a PHENOMENAL NATION  with unlimited opportunities granted to us by the efforts of a few brave men in July 4, 1776.  Where in your own small world to you need to declare your own INDEPENDENCE?

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