4th Quarter 2018….FINISH STRONG!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today marks the last business day for the 3rd Quarter of 2018.  That means effectively that Monday will be the start of the 4th Quarter of 2018.

In most businesses this is the time of year that makes or breaks their year!  My message today is to all of us to determine how do we want to finish 2018 STRONG?

Where are you at RIGHT NOW?  Where do you want to be by December 31, 2018?  What is that gap in between and what can you CONTROL to fill it?  Is there a Marketing Initiative you have been holding off on?  Is there a new hire that you have been unable to put in place?  Is there a Sales goal that you want to achieve?  Is there a record that you wanted to beat from last year and how close are you?  Is there an Company reward you are striving for?

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Look at the 4th Quarter like those days before you are going on a scheduled vacation, you complete more in those few days then you did the two weeks prior.  The 4th Quarter, 92 days to achieve your year-end goals, what efforts need to be done daily to achieve this?  Post your goals, put them in front of you everywhere and daily track the progress to them!  What gets written down and measured gets accomplished!

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