All That Matters is RESULTS

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

In your Agency, or in your life, or in your business, it really doesn’t matter what area it is. All that matters and everything is RESULTS.

When you are asked the question, did you hit your goal. Most people will answer no “but” the rates were too high or the client is getting back to me or they said next time, etc. All of those are just the stories around the situation, the answer is quite simply YES or NO. Your stories or my stories will never pay the bills, will never create the relationship we want, will never create the connections we want, all that matters is that the results are measured. Did you hit your sales goal YES did you hit your targets NO.

I find for many people including myself at this time of year we sit and reflect. The problem with reflection is we tend to look at what could’ve been or what should have been and we start to make EXCUSES. We make excuses like “it was a tough year”, “the rates were not good”, “the market conditions are not good.” All of these items can really be true, yet the challenge is “true or not”, is your bank account any better at the end of the year; is your team any bigger or better at the end of the year; is your relationship with your wife or husband better at the end of the year; is your connection with your kids better at the end of the year? The stories around why it hasn’t happened mean nothing, all that matters is your results. You and I will always be measured by our results not our excuses or reasons. Results rather good or bad are all that matter.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Have you been caught in the cycle of finding reasons and excuses? Are you a person that finishes every year just short of what you wanted to accomplish and instead of measuring the real results you look for reasons and factors outside of your inner self that caused you to miss your targets? If you owned your response and you were responsible for only your results how different could your life and your business be? Major thought to leave you with think about your wife or your husband or your significant other do they care when you bring them flowers or buy them a gift if your results consistently are a lack of ability to be trusted and relied on?  I assure you your life is a reflection of your results nothing more nothing less, reasons are a nice word for excuses, results will always be what matters.  Prepare for 2019 with a focus on results and remove any excuses or reasons!

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