Are you an Automated Agency OR an Antiquated Agency?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Have you ever been sitting behind your computer screen and you get that DEJA VU feeling?  Like I have sent this email before, I have sent this same exact follow-up message,  I have sent the same thank you email, the same birthday greeting and/or even this same holiday message?  If you have felt this feeling it is probably your reality and I am here to tell you that process is the ANTIQUATED AGENCY MODEL!!  The key is automation in this day and age and so much in your Agency can be automated:

  • Lead Follow Up Sequencing
  • Welcome to My Agency
  • Annual Renewals
  • Birthday Contacts
  • Form Requests
  • Website Requests
  • Thank You Notes

I am often asked in working with Agency Owners and Insurance Agents, how do you get so much done and stay so organized?  The answer is simple BUT took time to get here:

  1. I block my time very efficiently
  2. I automate everything I possibly can!!

Today as you read through this message I want you to ask just one simple question:

”How many leads do you currently have that have not been closed?  And how consistently are you communicating a message to them with a CTA (call to action)?”

In our industry it has been proven that over 80% of sales happen after the 7-8 contact AND yet the typical Agency at best contacts leads 3-4 times!! You were halfway to what you needed OR like I say, “YOU WERE INCHES FROM GOLD” when you stopped mining?

Today I want you to ponder if you are ANTIQUATED or AUTOMATED and if the answer is ANTIQUATED, what can you do to start automating today?

I have some solutions for you and the first step begins with checking out a FREE 7 MINUTE DEMO!!  This is the solution I use and I love being able to share with each of you!!

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