Are You Marketing To The Right Prospects? The Five Power Disqualifiers

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

The “80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshall continues to bring me immense insight into Sales, Marketing, Principles and Processes.

Today, I share with you the concept of “Disqualification” as it pertains to your target market audience.  In the book, Perry Marshall explains the “The Five Power Disqualifiers” utilize these tools when determining your target audience and you can reduce the “amount of frogs you have to kiss in search of that Prince.”

  1. Do they have the money?  People who do have the money are way easier to sell to!
  2. Do they have a bleeding neck?  A bleeding neck is a dire sense of urgency, an immediate problem that demands to be solved. Right. Now.
  3. Do they buy into your unique selling proposition (USP)?  A unique selling proposition is your unique answer to these questions:
    1. What does your product do that nobody else’s product does?
    2. Why should  I buy from you instead of anybody else?
    3. What guarantee can you make that nobody else can make?
  4. Do they have the ability to say YES?  Are you speaking to Helga the receptionist that can say no, but cannot say YES!
  5. Does what you sell fit in with their overall plans?  Whatever you sell needs to harmonize with natural, existing forces–both on the inside and outside of your prospect’s world.  (Marshall, p.57-59)

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  The concept of the Five Power Disqualifiers is crucial and you want to work through them as fast as humanly possible.  Sales, is a disqualification process, not a convincing people process.  Are you spending too much time “convincing” instead of “disqualifying”?  How often are you in a Sales process, it is going great YET when it comes time to close it doesn’t happen?  Go back and think about one of those times, there is a good chance it is because one (1) of those five (5) Power Disqualifiers could not be answered!!  They didn’t have the money, didn’t have the urgency, don’t buy into your USP, can’t say YES (decision-making spouse not at appointment), or it doesn’t fit into their overall plans!  Before you start your Marketing today, I challenge you to answer the “The Five Power Disqualifiers”

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