Are You Productive OR Are You Just Busy?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Have you ever consider the subject of today’s daily message, “Are You Productive OR Are You Just Busy?

I am sure the same applies to many Industries yet since I am involved in the Insurance Industry and Coach and Train Insurance Agents I will focus on this message as it relates to Insurance Agents.

Many of you are seeing this message via my Facebook and/or LinkedIn Thread (unless you are a subscriber, then you would receive this as an email).  And this is a great place to start this message.  Are you aimlessly drifting through your Facebook feed or LinkedIn feed, watching the lives of others, reading inspiring messages, watching inspiring videos, seeing how your friends, and family are doing, or just looking for stories to make you laugh?  At the time of this writing it is 8:32 a.m. Pacific Time on a Tuesday.  Is there value in what you are currently doing?  Are you being productive with your time and actions or are you just being busy?  Will the day end today and you tell yourself, “Boy, I was really busy today and it was a long day”?  Or will you be able to look back and say, “Boy, I was productive today, I accomplished XYZ target, and followed up with XYZ client, or set up appointments with XYZ prospects or did training and leadership with my TEAM”?

There is ONE TRUTH for today; the day has 24 hours nothing more, nothing less and it will come to an end for all of us no matter what that time is.  Will you look back at the day like you started it, scrolling through Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter etc.  aimlessly spending time on senseless actions that cause you to be busy BUT not productive?  Or will you be able to look back at your day and feel productive, I accomplished what I set out to do today.  I did not have the time to aimlessly search through my Facebook feed, or check out Instagram story because I was a PERSON ON PURPOSE for my day.

Now, don’t get me wrong Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc all have value and are useful YET in today’s society Social Media has become a way to STAY BUSY.  If you are just scrolling and absorbing CONTENT for no deeper purpose and are not taking that CONTENT TO CREATE ACTION, then the answer to today’s message for you is:  YES, I WAS JUST BUSY BUT NO I WAS NOT PRODUCTIVE!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  A life, a day, a business on PURPOSE is focused, designed and measured so you know that each day is PRODUCTIVE NOT JUST BUSY.  What must you do different in your Insurance Agency as either Owner or Support Personnel to know your day is set up to be PRODUCTIVE not just FULL OF BUSY WORK?  Do you have an action plan for your day, every day?  A plan for your week, your month, your year, YOUR FUTURE?  Pull out your mirror…..close the door and ask yourself the following question:   Am I Productive in my efforts or Am I Just Busy with no clear direction or plan?  If you are honest with the answer, what must you and can you do to change the answer to be…..I AM A PRODUCER, A PERSON OF PURPOSE, EFFORT EQUALS PRODUCTION AND I AM BUSY ON MY PLANS, MY VISION, MY TARGETS….NOT THE LIVES OF OTHERS AND THERE GOALS AND VISIONS!

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