John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash


Esteemed father of Personal Development, Jim Rohn taught that we become the combined average of the five people we hang around the most.  Rohn would say we could tell the quality of our health, attitude, and income by looking at the people around us.

“Think of your friends who order greasy appetizers or a cocktail before dinner and that’s their routine.  Hang out with them enough, and you’ll find yourself grabbing for cheese nachos and potato skins.  Meanwhile, your other friends order healthy food and talk about the inspiring books they’re reading and their ambitions in their businesses, and you begin to assimilate their behaviors and habits.  You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life. “(excerpt from The Compound Effect)

THOUGHTS TO PONDER: What is the combined average income, health, or attitudes of the five people you spend the most of your time with?  Does the answer frighten you?  If so, the best way to increase your potential for whatever traits you desire is to spend the majority of your time with people who already possess those traits.  ANSWER THIS QUESTION HONESTLY AND SEE IF IT IS TIME TO MAKE SOME CHANGES!!!!

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