2019 Is Here…Are You Ahead or Behind?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

The first full week of 2019 is upon us! Did you wake up excited today to take on the world…or were you ready to stay in bed? I will share that initially I was ready to stay in bed and not reset the clock to start another year. In the Insurance Industry like many Industries our success is measured annually …

What Are You Doing To Develop YOU in 2019?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Are you the type of Insurance Agent that is waiting for the rates to improve, for the Product offerings to broaden, or the Compensation schedules to improve? OR MAYBE YOU ARE WAITING FOR ALL OF THIS! The challenge with all of those items above, is that you have no control over them AT ALL! The only thing that you and …

Prospect Or Perish!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Success in your Insurance Agency is tied to one thing and ONE THING ONLY….your constant ability to prospect for new clients. A simple concept that if you recall constantly will lead to success…..NO SALE CAN BE MADE WITHOUT SOMEONE TO TALK TO! Along with your Agency having a Vision Plan and a clear direction on where you are headed along …


John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

I took a break from my Daily Messages over the Holiday….and because I have been working on something BIG for the past six months FOR ALL OF YOU!! ALONE!!  Is that how you feel in your Insurance Agency?   Do you feel like there is a higher level of accomplishment and success you could be achieving in your Insurance Practice?  Do …

YOU Create The Conditions For Creation!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 2 Comments

Successful people in life and business are people of habits and consistency. Yet, why is this so important? Is it the habits? Is it the consistency? The answer is both YES and NO! In your Business/Agency and your Life healthy, consistent habits are crucial and the KEY to your continued success. The deeper meaning is that in creating healthy, productive, …

The Power Outside Of The “I”

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Four days until Christmas 2018. Crazy traffic, insane lines, rushed drivers, last minute shopping, focused on ourselves and our family and trying to get everything done. Yet, there is no better time than during this time of year to evaluate the POWER when we use our “EYES” to look outside of “I”. Our Business/Agency and our Personal/Family lives are magnified …

Comparison Causes Conflict!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As an Insurance Professional, hell or just simply a person in this world. Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to others? If you said, NO….you are a liar! We are all guilty of comparing ourselves to others and therein lies the problem. That person has the newest car, the bigger house, the more attractive wife/husband, etc. And we start …

You Are Unique and NOT Unique At The Same Time!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

This message is designed for my Insurance Agents out there in the world YET will probably relate to each and every person that is taking time to read this message.   When you are in your pain, your struggles, your challenges and in your frustrations…DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE ALONE?  Do you feel like your situation is unique and that …

Where Is Your Balance?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Balance-the state of having your weight spread equally so that you do not fall. : the ability to move or to remain in a position without losing control or falling. : a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance. (Webster’s Dictionary) Have you ever truly looked at …