John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

Work, Spouse, Family, Friends and SELF, how do you find Balance and stay true and Committed to the path you need to follow?

As I have embarked on this Daily Message  to the market and yet I am trying to enjoy my summer vacations at the same time, this question above has become very difficult.  Yet, I know that here is where the breakthroughs in life occur.

The first question you must answer for yourself is what are you committed to?  Not what you wish to happen, not what you hope to happen, not what you dream to happen BUT WHAT ARE YOU COMMITTED TO?  And then the second question is WHY. Why are you committed to this one thing?  Why are you willing to sacrifice, struggle, face fears, experience heartache for this one thing?  Answer that question, for once you do that the second part becomes much easier.

If that commitment is strong and true, than the ONLY question you have to answer is HOW DO I BALANCE IT WITH MY CURRENT LIFE?  My vacations, my time with family, my time with my spouse, my time for ME.

We all have one simple, basic, natural occurring event in common….WE ALL HAVE 24 HOURS in our day.  Assuming you work 10 hours a day (commute included), and you sleep 8 hours…YOU AND I ARE ALL LEFT WITH 6 HOURS EVERY DAY.  Out of those 6 hours you and I must determine how it is spent and if it is in the direction of our COMMITMENT.  I believe the difference between AVERAGE and ULTRA-SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE is in how they utilize those 6 hours of their day differently.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: If you took a journal for one day of your life and journaled your time for a 24 hour period, would you be embarassed on how you utilize your time?  Do you believe you control the BALANCE OF YOUR life?  Or do you believe your life is controlled by outside circumstances(employer, clients, family, friends, spouse, etc.) What are you willing to do to STAY TRUE to your commitments?  I know for me, I can wake up 30 minutes earlier to stay true to my commitment of a Daily Message to the marketplace, to bring clarity to myself and share insight with you.  While maintaining the BALANCE my wife and family deserve.

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