CHANGE…The Only Constant

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

I had an opportunity to hear an amazing message today from a phenomenal Athlete, CEO, Olympian and inspirational speaker.  And the message that resonated with me after hearing this message was, “CHANGE….Is The Only Constant”

I reflected today on our Industry of Insurance and what is has evolved to over the past 90 years and what it may possibly look like 90 years from now.  Constant, unavoidable change and that change can lead to one of two things:

  1. Opportunity
  2. Tragedy

Where do you sit in your relationship with CHANGE?  Do you find yourself looking at the change you are experiencing RIGHT NOW as future/current opportunity or CURRENT/FUTURE tragedy?  I have felt both and it is a battle that we all must face, the battle of opportunity vs. tragedy, the change is not the problem BECAUSE IT IS INEVITABLE.  The problem is our personal, psychological, emotional, spiritual response to CHANGE.  Yours and my response to the CHANGE leads us on our journey toward OPPORTUNITY or TRAGEDY.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Where are you facing change RIGHT NOW?  How are you responding, opportunity or tragedy?  Does fear of change hold you captive, frozen, stuck, victim status?  Realize today everything must change, for without change nothing can move forward.  Don’t fear the inevitable but be brave in your response, choose OPPORTUNITY or choose TRAGEDY, that choice is 100% yours.  CHANGE IS NOT YOUR CHOICE, your response is your choice!

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