Comparison Causes Conflict!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As an Insurance Professional, hell or just simply a person in this world. Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to others? If you said, NO….you are a liar! We are all guilty of comparing ourselves to others and therein lies the problem.

That person has the newest car, the bigger house, the more attractive wife/husband, etc. And we start the process of comparing ourselves to them. Or where I see it every day, that Insurance Agency has a larger team, a bigger Agency, has more opportunities, has better referral sources, etc.

We in society today fail to remember that we are all different and THAT IS OK. Yet, we try to compare ourselves to others or want to be more like others and all that does is cause conflict…PRIMARILY INNER CONFLICT WITH OURSELVES. We fail to recognize that that person or situation may have had more time to develop, more repetitions to got through and WHAT WE DON’T SEE IS THE STRUGGLES AND/OR PAINS THEY ENDURED TO GET WHERE THEY ARE AT.

Remember you are you and there are just as many people that want to compare themselves to you as you are doing to others. BE YOU, YOUR ATTRIBUTES, EXPERIENCE, BACKGROUND, CHARACTERISTICS, TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS THAT DESIGNED THE UNIQUE YOU!

Social media has made it easy for us to compare and want to emulate others but you must remember what you don’t see is their pain, their truth, their reps and experience. No, they don’t show that because it is not sexy and appealing to see the darkness they endured to get where they are! Just like you have had to endure and I have had to endure.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: You want to eliminate inner conflict, STOP COMPARING! When you see someone you wish to emulate, think about your positive attributes and recognize the work you have done and still have to do to achieve your success. Also, remember that the person or people you are comparing have had and have their own pains and darkness they had to face and are facing….YOU JUST DON’T GET TO SEE THAT SIDE! Also, remember your expectations of others is not fair because you have different experiences and repetitions that they do not. DON’T BE THE CAUSE OF SOMEONE ELSE’S INNER CONFLICT EITHER.

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