Consistency is Key!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Humpday. A brief message to get us all through the remainder of the work week. I did a Facebook Live earlier this week around “Persistency Leads To Consistency” feel free to go back and check it out.

Yet, as I reflected on that message I believe the larger piece of importance is CONSISTENCY. Think about an area in your life, could be your Fitness, it could be your Business, it could be your relationships with wife/husband and/or kids or friendships. Think about those times that these areas of your life seemed to be working and running on all cylinders. There is a high likelihood that you were being consistent in that area and thus receiving great results.

Here is an example, you are being consistent in the commitments you make to your wife/husband, you will show up consistently at the times you say you will, you make time consistently for date nights, you are consistent in the listening and attentiveness that your partner needs. BUT and that is VERY LARGE BUT what happens? Your consistency takes effort, energy and sacrifice AND as Human Beings we become impatient we want instant gratification, instant appreciation, instant accolades and when it doesn’t come in the time we believe it should WE STOP!

I use this example because I believe if each and every one of us is HONEST with this example we can relate. The further insight and message is how this presents itself in your Agency/Business.

You are committed to your daily marketing activities, you are committed to your Weekly Team Meetings, you are committed to following up with prospects and clients, you are committed to constant learning and development YET when the results don’t come as quickly as we expect WE STOP! That is NOT COMMITMENT. Commitment is a drive to accomplish the larger target NO MATTER THE TIME, no matter the recognition, no matter the accolades. Your inner strength in health, fitness, relationships and BUSINESS is determined to your level of commitment…and that level of commitment when no one else recognizes it, when you are fighting the battle internally alone AND WHEN YOU ARE UNSURE OF THE END RESULT.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Are you committed OR motivated? Completely different by the way, motivation comes and goes while COMMITMENT is permanent and ongoing. Where in your Agency/Business did you say you were committed BUT when it got tough you QUIT? What could have been possible if you held true to your commitment and push forward anyway? How many times in your life were you on the brink of breakthrough YET your commitment dissipated AND YOU SPIRALED TO A POSITION EVEN WORSE THAN WHERE YOU BEGAN? Commit to your commitments FOR YOU, not for your wife/husband, not for your kids, not for your Sales Manager, not for your Boss. You become an attractive person when you are committed and WHEN OTHERS KNOW that the commitment is internally not for external recognition. We all struggle with this and I am just as guilty in every day and in every way. We all can restart wherever we are and whenever we recognize it!

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