Develop Yourself….CONTINUALLY

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

If you are reading this blog and/or are one of my subscribers it lets me know that you care about developing yourself and “ELEVATING” your Agency.

Yet, what I have found for over 17 years working in this Industry and in Coaching, Training and Recruiting Insurance Agents as well as being an Agency Owner myself, IT IS EASY TO ABSORB CONTENT AND SAY WE ARE DEVELOPING AND/OR EXPANDING! The reality is that in our world today, content is accessible like water and air! And most people will absorb content at record levels….YET NEVER TAKE ACTION! So today my message is around this concept as it applies to your “Personal Development” GAIN INFORMATION AND CONTENT FOR INSIGHT AND REVELATION ONLY!

Once you have read a message that inspired insight, STOP. Once you have heard a podcast that invoked revelation, STOP. Once you have listened to an audiobook that inspired change, STOP. In fact, the medium of the way content is obtained does not matter. What matters is that once you recognize INSIGHT or REVELATION from the content THAT YOU STOP….AND TAKE ACTION!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Are you a content sponge and action SNAIL? Meaning you absorb content all the time but move slow when it comes to taking action? How many of these blogs have you read, yet when insight, inspiration or revelation occur you take little or no action on it? How could your Agency, or your World change if your Personal Development Plan was quite simply this: Content to insight and insight to ACTION? That is what Personal Development means, taking content, information and when insight/revelation REALIZED, that ACTION IS IMPLEMENTED.

I will continue to share these blogs, my YouTube Channel, my Podcasts and any content that I believe VALUABLE. Yet, you must know if you don’t take your insight and revelation and PUT IT INTO ACTION, YOU FAIL. All of these insights and revelations I share with you are from my FOCUS DAILY ON EXPANSION AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT!

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