Do You Like Feeling Alone?…..BECOME A LEADER THEN!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Monday morning and for many people their least favorite day of the week.  This Monday for me felt that way, it started rough and continued to escalate from their.  CAN YOU RELATE?

Yet, the experience that I had this morning led me to want to share a message with you all today and especially for my Insurance Professionals that are building and running their own Insurance Practice.  LEADERSHIP IS NOT EASY, IT INVOLVES FACING YOUR TRUTH AND DEALING WITH TOUGH DECISIONS.  Leaders get recognized for accomplishments and success but seldom are noticed for the difficult decisions they make and the burdens they carry to lead their teams, their organization and their clients.

I meet many people every week that say, “I want to start my own business, I want to be my own boss, I want to be an Insurance Agency Owner, etc.”  They are not telling me THE TRUTH because they may not know, “I want to feel alone everyday in the decisions I have to make, I want to hire, train, fire and start all over again with employees, I want to start the first of every month unsure how I am going to cover payroll and still make a personal income for my family.  HEREIN lies the truth that many Small Business Owners and Leaders face but don’t share: aloneness, fear, uncertainty, the unknown, the effort, the frustration and the challenges that being a LEADER and BUSINESS OWNER ENTAIL.

Yet, you and I have both have decided we like the opportunity to be a Small Business Owner and in the Insurance Industry SO WHAT DO WE DO?  The insight I gained today, is DON’T BE ALONE!  You are not the only person that is facing fears, overcoming challenges, feeling exhausted, unsure about your Business and future.  REACH OUT TO OTHERS, SHARE YOUR CHALLENGES.  There is strength when you no longer feel alone.  Leadership and Business Ownership will always require us to make tough, difficult decisions and that is why it is not for everyone.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Who can you share your challenges with, free from judgement and/or bias?  Is there a peer in your Industry who could relate to what you are currently experiencing?  Have you explored working with a professional coach who can help you explore what is holding you back, YOU MAY NOT EVEN BE AWARE OF IT!  Do you want to be a LEADER, do you want to OWN A BUSINESS….WHAT IS THE TRUTH FOR YOU?  Not every person was made to own and develop a Business and be a LEADER.  The rewards can far outweigh the risk and challenge….BUT REMEMBER THIS “YOU ARE ONLY ALONE BECAUSE YOU MAKE YOURSELF ALONE!!”  And lastly, don’t reach out to someone who paints the picture as easy…YOU WANT SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN THERE, IS THERE AND CAN BE REAL FOR YOU.  This blog page was born inside of me for that reason ALONE!

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