Do You Offer FREE Quotes……STOP IT!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today’s message will apply to all my Insurance Professionals AND  anyone in an Industry where you sell anything.

I am going to challenge each of you to change your mindset and perspective and realize that two simple words are setting you up for FAILURE; “FREE QUOTE”.

I don’t care if you are selling Insurance, selling Cars, selling widgets etc.  we have all been guilty of offerring FREE QUOTES.

Here is a simple question to answer, WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU CHARGED FOR A QUOTE?  If you don’t charge for them then why would you even offer a FREE QUOTE?  On a deeper level those two words, “FREE QUOTE”, are setting up a PRICE driven sale from the beginning.  Think about this, FREE symbolizes “give-away”, “deal”, “no cost”, you are priming your prospect to expect “A DEAL”.

STOP IT!!  Let today be the last day you ever offer a “FREE QUOTE” (you don’t charge anyway).  If you are selling value try this instead:

  1. Can I offer you a Competitive Analysis of your current products/coverage?
  2. Can I offer you a Comprehensive Product Review?
  3. Can I offer you a Complete Coverage Proposal? (ideal for Insurance Professionals)
  4. Can I offer you a “No Obligation” Personalized Protection Plan?
  5. Can I offer you a Individualized Value Proposal tailored for you/your family?

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Are you guilty of offering “FREE QUOTES”, yet you have never charged for one in your Career?  Do you sell price or do you sell value?  If you sell price then keep offering FREE QUOTES, and I hope you always have the lowest price available.  If you sell value then offer something more personalized for your prospect/client.  Do you want to be different than your competition, then do things different?  Our world is blanketed with offers for FREE QUOTES, don’t be mainstream, be different and you will achieve different results.  I leave you with one final thought:

Can I offer you a FREE QUOTE?  Well, thank you for asking but I would rather have the one I pay for?

Funny right but in all actuality that is what you are doing every time you say, CAN I GIVE YOU A FREE QUOTE?

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