Don’t Be a Content Whore!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

Did my title today catch your attention? I hope so and sorry NOT sorry if I offended you….stick with me on this concept today as I assure you it applies to each and everyone of us.

As a creator of a YouTube channel, a podcast, Facebook, a digital, interactive eBook and this blog page all related to Elevating Insurance Agents to higher levels of success, I realize that I could be guilty of feeding in to the overwhelming problem in our socially, digitally fed world that we exist in today. THE ABILITY TO RECEIVE CONTENT AT LEVELS UNIMAGINABLE IN OUR EXISTENCE. The accessibility of content is not the issue or the problem. The problem is that WE absorb content to the point of numbness, it become a distraction, an escape and/or a release….and yet if that is what we are stuck doing we have become CONTENT WHORES. Content without action is like filling your trash can with garbage that never gets dumped!

Our purpose, our calling and our mission as a society is for expansion, to grow adapt and change. The ability of content at levels never seen before is to seek new information, new content BUT and only to the point of gaining revelation. If you absorb content without taking action, you have missed the point. As applies to the messages that Agency Elevated puts out in the marketplace daily. My mission is not for you to gain content, get inspired, be motivated BUT RATHER to gain insight, and pursue revelation and ULTIMATELY ACTION.

I have been guilty of being this content whore in that all I did was read book after book, listen to audio after audio, take course after course and NEVER PUT THE INSIGHTS INTO ACTION. I was wasting my time so I could say I read this book or that book, or that I took this course or that course. It was not until I realized that content and new information is only POWERFUL if it leads to ACTION, IF IT LEADS TO CHANGE!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Where in your world are you numb to the content you are intaking? Is it trolling through Facebook, is it listening to audiobooks, is it listening to Podcasts? What could be possible for you if the next time you read a book you stopped the moment you gained insight and wrote down how you would put that insight into action in your life? Content without purpose, is like mindless eating and gaining weight? Food is fuel for your body to thrive and survive, if it is to make you feel full you will get only get fat!! Content and information is the same, it is fuel to make your life survive and thrive YET if all you do is absorb it without purpose, you are being a content whore and will never see the change you aspire to achieve! CONTENT TO THE POINT OF REVELATION, AND REVELATION TO IMPACT CHANGE, that is how your life is meant to be driven. How can this apply to your Insurance Agency/Business today?

Comments 1

  1. Man did you peg me on this one … if the book exist I have probably read it and in some cases more than once … wisdom and knowledge without action is not wisdom or knowledge at all, it is an excuse for poor results … just called the trash company to come pick up this dumpster of content that I really never plan to put into action. Thanks for being frank with me.

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