Faith & Business

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

This is not a message around religion but rather around FAITH.  In my many years in the Insurance Industry and in running my Small Business I have found that there is “ONE” important belief that drives everything else…..FAITH.

When you embark on developing your own small business you take a leap into the unknown.  Will it work?  How will I get my clients?  How will I build my team?  How can I sustain the growth? How can I balance my Personal life with my new business?  And although many people want to offer their support and confidence, the reality is there are NO ANSWERS to those questions.  In building an Insurance Agency or any Small Business for that matter you must have a belief in two major areas:

  1. A deep-rooted belief in yourself and your abilities
  2. A belief in the unknown, a belief that although you can only see the reality in your mind that it can exist and will exist for you.  I CALL THIS FAITH!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Are you a person of faith?  Think of your life and those times that reality came to existence even though you had no idea it could be (that is faith).  When your faith waivers how do you regain it?  If you are part of a team and your role exists based on your success in sales, you must have a belief in faith in yourself and the process that “IT CAN BE”.  Fear is debilitating and Faith is liberating, WHICH ONE WILL YOU CHOOSE?  A word of caution though, “having faith does not mean you won’t struggle and be challenged but rather that you can create the inner fortitude to persist in the face of the unknown!  


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