
John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Sales is the transference of feelings, PERIOD! You buy that new car because of the way it makes you feel, you buy that new outfit because the way it makes you feel when you wear it, you buy that new iPhone because of the way it makes you feel when you carry it. Insurance products are no different….when sold properly! It is about the feeling you generate for your clients with the protection that product gives them. Along those lines, I want to discuss today a Sales technique that has been around for years and if you have not heard of it and/or utilized it in some time NOW is the time to start.

Feel…Felt….Found. This technique can be utilized in every sales transaction in every Industry. Yet, today I will give you examples of how to utilize in your Insurance Agency.

Prospect states, “I want the lowest price.” (Heard this before, right?) Mr./Mrs. Prospect I understand completely how you FEEL. Most of my clients FELT the same way about their Insurance when they first contacted my Agency. Yet, what they FOUND is that after having a brief discussion with my Agency, just like you are doing they were able to get a BETTER VALUE FOR THEIR INSURANCE DOLLAR. (Value Not Price)

This technique shows that you are listening to your client/prospect, you are feeling empathy, and providing solutions around their initial concern. So, what would be some other areas where this could apply?

“I am not interested in Life Insurance.” I understand exactly how you FEEL, Life Insurance is not a comfortable discussion. In fact, most of my clients FELT the same way the first time my Agency discussed it with them. Yet, what they FOUND is that by understanding the benefits and that Life Insurance is the only product we sell that is GUARANTEED to have a claim it was the BEST purchase for their Insurance dollar.

“I don’t need the higher coverage, just give me State Minimums.” I understand exactly how you FEEL about just wanting the minimum to conform to State requirements. Many of my clients FELT the same way initially when they first contacted my Agency. Although, what they FOUND after a few minutes discussing coverage with my Agency that they have too much to lose if all they have is the minimum coverage.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Where can you utilize this technique in your Agency? (the answer, EVERYWHERE). Have you ever trained your Team Members to utilize this technique? Do you find yourself struggling to not sell PRICE only? Could this technique change it for you?

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