What the hell is this topic about? You might be asking that question as you are reading this title and wondering where I am going in today’s blog post!
I had an opportunity today in an Agency Coaching Program in which I am a Lead Coach to discuss this topic with the Insurance Agents I am honored and privileged to serve in their Agency growth and expansion. Let’s discuss what this topic means for you and how it can impact the status and position of your Insurance practice today and moving forward.
“In 2018 (the most recent data available) there were 1.2 MILLION Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service Employees in the Insurance Industry in the U.S.!!
You had better find a way to be unique in a sea of 1.2 Million competitors!
Not sure if you were as baffled as I was by these numbers as I was? I knew there were a lot of Insurance Agents/Brokers in the U.S. but not 1.2 million and probably more since we are in 2021! It made me recognize I better find ways to be different, unique and present myself differently to the marketplace to compete under these conditions.
#1) What about you makes you UNIQUE?
- Why are you different than the other 1.2 million Insurance Agents and Brokers out there?
- Do your prospects/clients know why you are different?
- Do you know why you are different?
#2) Can you brag on yourself and still be humble?
- If you are not clearly defining what is your uniqueness, flex and bragging on it then YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN ANYONE ELSE, and if that is the case you have to ALWAYS have the lowest price….UH-OH!
Here are some examples of how you can start to find your FLEX, your uniqueness, what you can BRAG on:
- Testimonials from your clients received and promoted socially and via email and text with your prospects and additional clients. Let someone else brag on you and you use it to your advantage!
- Think of those 1-3 stories where you went above and beyond for your client and share that with everyone you get in contact with. i.e. met with them in person in their home and met their needs, were present in the claim process and hand-delivered claim check (death benefits, auto claims, home claims, health insurance solutions, etc.)
Finally, if this message resonates with you today here is the exercise I challenge you to put into action TODAY!
- Think about the 1-2 items you know you could “FLEX” about and how could you start today to use this?
- Create a social media post (on your Personal page) that FLEXES about you and what you bring special and unique to the industry. Why you over the other 1.2 million options out there?
- Seek and gain testimonials from your clients that you can utilize in your Agency ongoing
It is ok to brag on yourself…and the reality is if you don’t you give your prospects/clients no reason why they should choose YOU!
P.S If you would like to receive ongoing training on topics like this in a Coaching Program designed just for Insurance Agents, click here to schedule an information gathering call with me to discuss:
John Lucero, is a successful business owner with over 20 years of experience in multi-line insurance agency operations for several major National Brands. With an expertise in Recruiting, Educating, Coaching, Developing and Product Knowledge, his passion and drive to ELEVATE Insurance Agencies to higher levels of success is what keeps him inspired about the future and motivated about making a difference.
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