Fire To Fuel…Fire To Burn

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 3 Comments

Today’s message is specifically for Insurance Agency Owners or Business Owners. Those people that are responsible for building something from nothing and the pressures that it applies to your life both personally and professionally.

For me I have been in the Insurance industry for over 17 years both as an Agency Owner and most recently in Recruiting, Coaching and Developing Insurance Agencies. My passion or my “FIRE” if you will has always been to assist Insurance Agents to find higher levels of success. That FIRE is a good thing and for many of you, you have that “FIRE” too, that which brought you to starting and building your own Insurance Agency. My passion brought me to a place in which I wanted to do more, more than just working with my own Insurance Agents but help a broader audience and impact our Industry. Yet, I have found it is not easy, I can have a message I believe in and passion and FIRE for what I want to provide although finding the audience and getting known is difficult. Many of you probably have felt this way in building your Agency, that you know you care for people, that you are GREAT when given the chance to get in front of people. BUT, and this is a big “BUT” it is not easy. Passion and FIRE is hard to keep burning when facing challenges and struggles.

I am here today sharing a message because yesterday was an experience that many of you have probably felt before or are feeling currently. That feeling that it is too hard, it takes too long, fears, doubts, am I good enough, is what I offer valuable. And if you are anything like me or thousands of Small Business Owners out there….you can quickly turn that FIRE into an ability to BURN IT ALL TO THE GROUND! I was there yesterday, at the point of saying “Agency Elevated” is going away, I can’t commit to it and I don’t see the value for others.

I share this with all of you because I know that if one person can relate it was worth the message. Difficulty, challenge and doubt are part of the process for every person that tries to do something new, or create something from the ground up. If you are reading this right now you can relate. Those times you wanted to give up, you wanted to quit, you wanted to find something easier….YET you knew by doing that your FIRE would die, the passion would leave and you would be left still wanting more and questioning.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: How do you use FIRE to be fuel? How can you avoid FIRE as a weapon to burn it all to the ground? In your Insurance Agency today where have you lost passion, FIRE? How can you get that FIRE back? What ultimately was your WHY of starting down this journey? The difference between those that succeed long term and those that don’t is, being connected to their WHY, believing in the process, reaching out for help when necessary. And ultimately, realizing a setback is not a failure but an opportunity to learn and grow. If you believe in what you are doing, BELIEVE and have FAITH. “FIRE” is your fuel, DON’T LET “FIRE” be the torch you use to burn it down..your dreams, your goals, your passions!

IF YOU FOUND VALUE IN THIS POST OR ANY OF THE POSTS ON THIS BLOG PAGE. Share this post today, tell your friends, your peers, your colleagues to JOIN THE LIST. We all move forward together, my FIRE is helping you and if this message or any message you hear did that, I must continue doing this!

Comments 3

    1. Post
  1. Man can I relate … My Purpose For Existence (PFE) is: To Encourage, Educate and Empower men, women and children to dream big dreams while confidently pursuing them with a God given passion and purpose. The vehicle I use to help accomplish this is my insurance agency and yet I often feel that this passion I have is burning down the passion in me and my business. Thanks for your message today … I reminded me where to focus my FIRE!

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