I heard this quote today, “Growth Begins When Comfort Ends” and it made me think of myself and all of my Agencies in the Insurance Industry.
Have we become too comfortable? In the early phases of your Agency you were hungry, eager, fearless, and full of energy but something happened. There is a high possibility that you became comfortable. The income became OK, the Sales targets became OK, the staff/team became OK, your Agency size became OK. But when did O.K. become enough?
Comfort is important in life but it is not the destination, for I truly believe you only expand when you are uncomfortable. Think about the times you were in the middle of hardship and you did not think it would ever end, yet it did and you become more because of it. Now think about the times in your life when there are no challenges, no struggles, not conflicts, those times feel good but are you moving forward at all? I highly doubt it.
THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Where in your Agency (or position in the Agency) have you become too comfortable? When was the last time you were uncomfortable and what came from making it through that time? Do you wish to GROW but have been fearful to give up your comforts? What is more important to you; comfort but dying a slow death or uncomfortable and living a life and growing? What one thing can you do today to make yourself uncomfortable? What one decision can you make today that makes you uneasy yet you know it needs to be made? I finish by just reminding you, “Growth Begins When Comfort Ends”
John Lucero, is a successful business owner with over 20 years of experience in multi-line insurance agency operations for several major National Brands. With an expertise in Recruiting, Educating, Coaching, Developing and Product Knowledge, his passion and drive to ELEVATE Insurance Agencies to higher levels of success is what keeps him inspired about the future and motivated about making a difference.
Comments 1
Thanks John, see you at dissy land