Happy Valentine’s Day…Who Are You Showing Love To This Day?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

The National Day of LOVE! Today’s message is directed to my Insurance Professionals, Business Owners, in fact any person that serves others!

You are probably rushing around today thinking of the perfect give to get your wife or husband or maybe that new person you just started dating. We utilize today as the day we show our love to those that mean the most to us in our lives. In fact I even have a coffee date with my 18 year old daughter today for Valentine’s Day. Yet, in an Industry that is being challenged by 1-800-CHEAP-INSURANCE and www.cheapinsurance.com, I believe today could be the greatest day for you to be DIFFERENT.

Do you love your clients and your customers? If you don’t you should they provide the revenue that makes your Agency/Business operate. So with that in mind and with a wanting to be different than your competition, get on the phones today, send text messages, post on your business page, send out emails, whatever it takes to reach as many clients as you can to wish them “Happy Valentine’s Day” and let them know you “LOVE THEM” I assure you that the Insuretech, Direct Writers won’t and don’t have the capability to add this personal touch….YOU THE AGENCY OWNER CAN AND SHOULD!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Giving gifts to your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/friends etc. is nice and should be done on Valentine’s Day…yet don’t be naive in believing you are not doing it to be SELFISH. You give gifts because of the way it makes you (us) feel. Nothing wrong with that, just be aware. Instead what would it feel like to actually show LOVE to your customers, to let them know today that they are your VALENTINE! Consider this, that great gift you just bought for your wife/husband (husbands you still have time to get that great gift) came from the income that your clients/customers provided you. When if ever have you blitzed your clients to wish them Happy Valentines Day and to say the words, “I Love You For Being My Client”, and that they are truly your Valentine today……NOW STOP READING THIS BLOG AND TROLLING THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA AND START CALLING YOUR CLIENTS!Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

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