How To Get Your Clients To Call You….When You Have No Way To Reach Them

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Inevitably in every business and particularly in your Insurance Agency you have a percentage of your clients that you cannot reach.  The phone number you have for them is incorrect, you don’t have an accurate email address, they are not on social media, etc.  Yet, in order for you to expand your Agency and capitalize on all the opportunities within your Insurance Agency you NEED  to be able to contact ALL your clients.  I have a solution!  Here is a step-by-step process I not only implemented in my Agency but have trained multiple Agency Owners to utilize:


One thing is for certain if you have a client for one or multiple Insurance products….YOU HAVE A MAILING ADDRESS.  I am going to show you a seamless tool to utilize the Power of that mailing address and GET YOUR PHONE TO RING from your clients.

Above is the sample of the letter, very simple (on purpose).  And this is the step by step on how to utilize:

  1. Create letter in Microsoft Word just as you see it (you can modify for type of Insurance product and if you have a color printer make URGENT in red, if not highlight it)
  2. Sign the letter in Blue or Red Ink (it makes a difference)
  3. Handwrite the envelope to the client (no labels)
  4. Stamp “URGENT” on outside of the envelope (I recommend in RED)
  5. Mail letter

(If you would like the letter emailed to you in Word Format, JOIN THE LIST AND CLICK ON THE CONTACT FORM REQUESTING LETTER EMAILED)

Very easy process and yet you may be thinking, “what is URGENT?”  You and your Agency determine that.  I can tell you I utilize this letter concept for multiple reasons:

  • No accurate Phone Number on Record (this is URGENT to me because I have no way to reach you in case of EMERGENCY)
  • No accurate Email on Record (this is URGENT to me because I have no way to reach you in case of EMERGENCY)
  • Client is not receiving all eligible discounts (this is utilized for Cross-Sell opportunities, URGENT to me because I don’t want any of my clients to miss out on eligible discounts)

Remember my post from  yesterday, the concept here was to do the following:  PROBLEM-AGITATE-SOLVE.  I am presenting a PROBLEM to my client, I am AGITATING them to action, and then I am SOLVING their problem.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Here are some tips when utilizing this process.  I would not recommend sending this letter to your clients more than twice per year, the more often you do it the less impact it has.  Be prepared for many clients to call, and some clients will not see the URGENCY of the letter, BE PREPARED to convince them of why it was URGENT to you and your Agency.  Use this opportunity to update as much information as possible in your client records.  DON’T USE THIS LETTER FOR THOSE CLIENTS YOU HAVE THE CAPABILITY OF CONTACTING.  This tool was created and designed for those times you know you have clients that you cannot reach due to bad or changed contact information. The goal of any and every business I believe is two crucial items:

Get Your Phones To Ring

Customer Data is Gold

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