How To Make A Sales Call That Makes You Different

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

How you present yourself during the first Sales call is crucial.  In the Insurance Industry this is what I have found to be the most typical opening line, “Hello, this is John.  I’m with XYZ Insurance Company, and we are a Top Rated Insurance Company in your area.”  That is your opening statement, maybe what you were trained to do or quite simply just what you created yourself.  Yet, as I am expanding my knowledge as it pertains to Sales and Marketing I ask you a tough question;  If your opening statement was the headline of a classified ad you were writing, would you still use it?  See example below

I’m with XYZ Insurance Company, and we are a Top Rated Insurance Company in your area.  John, (877) 413-0766

Do you feel confident that Headline would get a response?  Of course not, then why is it the opening statement of your Sales Call?

A phenomenal concept that I learned today in my further research in “80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshall is this; Problem-Agitate-Solve.  Present the problem to the prospect/client, agitate them further and then provide a solution.  If you can make this part of your ongoing Sales process not only will you differentiate yourself in the marketplace, you will expose the emotions of the prospect and drive them to act, rather than “Be Selling”.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  What if your messaging was something more like this: “Hi, this is John from XYZ Insurance Company.  You don’t know me, but I recently was notified that lawsuits for Auto Accidents and Home Liability are at an all-time high in your area.  You can not only lose your assets but have your wages garnished if you are involved in one of these lawsuits.  Could you live on 25% less of your income when this happens?  I would be more than willing to send you out the information around these lawsuits but more importantly I can review your situation to make sure your not the next victim of a costly lawsuit.”

Maybe you like this message…so use it..or maybe you don’t…so make up your own.  Today, all I ask is that you think about how you will continue to differentiate yourself and your messaging.  And I leave you with this thought:  Value is created and value is perceived and outside of value in Sales all you are left with is PRICE.  If you don’t offer value and you don’t ALWAYS have the lowest price you will lose!

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