Hump Day…Or Just Another Day?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today is Wednesday…what many call Hump Day, huh?  What does hump day symbolize for you when you think about it?  For many, many people (predominantly employees) they look at Hump Day as the midpoint of the week, you are half way through the week and almost to the weekend.

As I sit here on vacation thinking about today as the midpoint of my vacation, my hump day if you will.   I thought about this concept as it relates to my Business mindset.  I do not recall the last time I spoke of Wednesday as Hump Day, the peak or middle of my week and then it is almost the weekend.  Why do I bring this up?  For many of you that are running your own business (or hope to someday) and specifically for my Insurance Agency Owners, if you think of Hump Day as your midpoint of your work week, you are WRONG!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Is your mindset one of an employee, even if you are the Business Owner?  I think of Wednesday as the PEAK, not the HUMP of my week.  I should be peaking on my targets for my week, not the midpoint that I start slowing down and preparing for the weekend. Are you thinking like an employee, you work Monday-Friday and look forward to the weekend?  Or do you work a purpose, results driven work week? And for those of you that are employees, even if you don’t wish to start a business, you can excel in your position if you STOP thinking like an employee MONDAY-FRIDAY work and focus on RESULTS, PURPOSE driven work.  Hump Day does not exist for an Insurance Agency Owner or Business Owner, it is another day and should be the peak of the momentum  you are building, not the point at which you slow down and prepare for your WEEKEND! 

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