John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment





Yesterday, I had the unfortunate opportunity to sit in a 6 and 1/2 hour Agency Audit.  It has left me with many thoughts, ideas, contemplations etc. as I delved into today’s message.

The Insurance Agency model is not unlike most if all Small Business ventures in America today yet deals with much more regulations and legalities regarding licenses we hold.  It relates to all Small Businesses in that the lifeblood of the success of the business is dependent on the collaborated efforts of team members and employees within that business.  Unfortunately, far too often Owners and Employers trust their employees and/or team members and fail to inspect the activities of their business.  This was highly prevalent to me yesterday in my 6 plus hour audit.

Your Insurance Agency is like your baby, you created it, you watched it grow, you dealt with the pains of growth and the limits of loss YET one thing I firmly believe and know from my 16 years of experience in this field is this; NO ONE WILL CARE AND PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS MORE THAN YOU…PERIOD!!!!

With that said I challenge you as an Insurance Agency Owner to face some difficult, face the mirror questions about your operations.

  1. Do you routinely check the processes of your team members/employees?
  2. Do you inspect their policies they are processing?
  3. Are you verifying accurate data submitted by your employees/team members?
  4. Are you team members/employees licensed in the Lines of Insurance required?  If not, are they worth losing your (baby) your business over?
  5. Are you aware of a situation with an employee/team member that has been left unaddressed or pushed under the rug because they are a high producing, long-term employee?
  6. Lastly, if I or your Company were to show up in your Agency today would you have angst about what issues might be found and that you have proactive, consistent systems in place to safeguard your LIVELIHOOD?

THOUGHTS TO PONDER:  I cannot save you, your Company cannot save you.  Only you, Business Owner, Agency Operator can save you.  Fear can do one of two things: 1)Hold you Captive-Debillate your ability to make tough, necessary decisions or 2)Motivate/Fuel You-enhance your ability to make tough decisions and make RIGHT actions for FEAR OF WHAT YOU COULD LOSE.

Address these fears today:  Is it an unlicensed staff that should have been licensed but in reality hasn’t and should be let go.  Are there issues that you are aware of that can and should be rectified but you failed to because you wanted to avoid the conflict with that Team Member and or client? Lastly, answer this question TODAY look around at your Agency and your employees and team members; would you be willing to put your Agency on the line, your livelihood and future on the line for those people and most importantly would they be willing to do the same for you?  The answer to that question will lead you to the TOUGH, DIFFICULT decisions you need to make.


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