INSURANCE…A Piece of Paper and a PROMISE

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today,  I thought I would go back to the basics of what Insurance truly is.

As I sit here in a local Starbucks writing today’s message it allowed me the ability to reflect on my surroundings.  People working on Mac computers, Iphones, iPads and mulitiple other laptops.  As people pull up in their BMWs, Mercedes Benz and Range Rovers (Orange County, California).  How simple a process these Companies have..they provide a TANGIBLE product that each person can touch, feel and be connected with and they spend hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of dollars on them!!

Now, think about your Insurance business that you either own or are currently working with.  Many of your clients spend more on their Insurance every month then they do on their car payment and most definitely their technology like iPhones and Smart Phones.  What do they get for that cost?  I don’t see one person sitting here in this Starbucks holding their Insurance policy in their hand, emotionally connected to it!!!

Ultimately, all of us in this business do one thing;

#1 We sell a piece of paper (although even now it is paperless) and a PROMISE.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  What promise are you selling?  Are you selling the promise of the CHEAPEST insurance?  Are you selling the PROMISE that what your clients purchase will protect them when they lose ALL those tangible items albeit by FIRE, ACCIDENT, HEALTH, LIABILITY LAWSUIT OR DEATH!!!  If you looked at every client as if you were making a PROMISE that you and your Company will perform at the WORST times of their life, would you be happy with that PROMISE?  If your answer is no, how do you change that today?  The work you and I do is VITALLY IMPORTANT….WHEN IT IS DONE CORRECTLY!!!!

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