Insurance: The Protection of Risk…Yet When Was The Last Time You Took a Risk?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

A message today for my Insurance Agent/Agency Owners peers.  Have you ever sat and really contemplated what it is that Insurance truly is about?  The purpose of Insurance is to protect people and businesses from Risk..simply that is all it is about.  Both seen and unforeseen risks and as Insurance professionals that is our duty and stewardship in this industry!

So the products we market, sell, and solicit give our clients the piece of mind to experience and embark on risks knowing that we have created a protection plan for those risks via Insurance.  The question I ask you today as an Insurance Agent/Agency Owner have you STOPPED taking Risks in your Agency/Business, have you become comfortable and stagnant and realize your growth has slowed or declined?

For many of you it was a RISK just to embark on this career of Insurance…think about that.  Yet, has the reward outweighed the RISK?  Yes, maybe or not yet those may be your possible answers to that questions.  I asked you to think about your Agency/Business from the perspective of growth associated to RISK.  Nothing has ever been accomplished in our world without taking a RISK.  Playing it safe, keeps you small and stagnant…taking RISKS opens up the opportunity for expansion, growth, change and LEARNING.  

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  What risk do you need to take TODAY  to expand your Insurance Agency?  Is it that new hire you have been putting off?  Is it the new marketing plan that needs to be implemented?  Is it expanding your office, or upgrading?  Is it investing in technology?  Reflect in this moment on the greatest expansion you have ever experienced in your Life both personally and professionally and I assure you it was on the backside of taking a RISK!  Also, know that every Risk does not always work out BUT it is never a failure it is LEARNING!

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