Is The 80/20 Principle REAL?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

I have begun my next journey in reading a phenomenal book “80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshall.  I have just finished the Introduction section of this book and I am already BEYOND EXCITED about the concepts and principles I am about to gain.  I will be sharing this journey with you and how it can apply to your career and specifically directed to my Insurance Agency Professionals.

The Pareto Principle presents “A LAW” like Gravity that everything in life works under the Law of 80/20.  80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts and 20% of your results come from the other 80%.  Perry Marshall goes on to elaborate even more.  “But that’s barely the tip of the iceberg.  The real power in 80/20 is that you can disregard 80 percent of the roads in your city, only look at the top 20 percent, and the 80/20 rule will still apply.”  This sentence simply states the fact that 80/20 reflects EVERY aspect of your life.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: For Insurance Agency Owners, Business Owners and/or Business Support Personnel read and absorb this quote from Perry Marshall in 80/20 Sales and Marketing.  “It says if you hire 10 salespeople, two will generate 80 percent of the sales and the other eight will generate only 20 percent of the sales.  That means that person for person, the two are SIXTEEN TIMES as effective as the eight.  That’s right–a good salesperson isn’t 50 percent better, he or she is 16x better.”  If you are a salesperson are you a 20 percenter or an 80 percenter?  If you are the Insurance Agency/Business Owner do you know which of your salespeople are 20 percenters and which are 80 percenters.  And lastly, are you spending your 80% of time with your 20% Clients that are producing your 80% of results?  

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