LEADERS: “Be Good For Them..Not Always Good To Them!”

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Tuesday! Have you ever heard the saying stated above as the title of today’s blog page? This message/statement definitely applies to my Insurance Agency Owners and the way in which they relate with their Teams in the overall operations they lead.

I have found that in my many years in working with Insurance Agents/Small Business Owners and those that seem to have the best Teams that those who lead and provide guidance to their people tend to have the best success. Yet, where I see the biggest struggles for Insurance Agents/Agency Owners is where the Team dictate the process and control the day and operations. For better sake of the word, the Team/Staff have all the control and the Owner wonders why he/she cannot ELEVATE!

Leadership is defined by making the tough decisions and having the vision that others cannot see and that can and is very difficult. Yet, true Leaders set the path, set the targets and ULTIMATELY SET THE EXPECTATIONS!! Leaders that set these type of parameters are being good for their people, setting up a future and setting up a path for overall success. Being good for your people does not always mean that you are GOOD to your people. An analogy that I like to relate this concept to is that of parenting.

Not one of us during the times growing up understood and most definitely liked the disciplines and guidelines that our parents set for us. Yet, we are the people we are today because of the leadership and guidelines that our parents set forth for us. “They were being good for us and during those challenging times it most definitely did not feel like they were BEING GOOD TO US! The leadership they showed is what created the success we get to experience TODAY.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Are you avoiding the tough decisions with your Teams for FEAR that you will not be GOOD to your people instead of being GOOD FOR your people? What is one decision you know needs to be made that is uncomfortable, challenging and will disrupt the current status quo YET at your core you know it is the right decision to move your Agency/Business forward? Think of a time that for you a mentor, coach, manager or boss made decisions that did not feel GOOD to you YET now as you reflect back you see IT WAS GOOD FOR YOU? Do the same for yourself and YOUR TEAM, and show the true colors of LEADERSHIP!

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