Life Insurance Awareness Month….THE MAN IN THE MIRROR!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As September Life Insurance Awareness Month is nearing it’s end I wanted to leave a thought for all of you.  Many of you have made your prospects/clients more aware of their Life Insurance needs throughout this month BUT failed to look in the mirror!

I wanted to share some of my favorite lyrics of a Michael Jackson song:

“I’m Starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways and no message could have been any clearer.  If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make the change.”

Are you aware?  Have you taken a hard look in the mirror?  Daily as Insurance Professionals we educate, instruct, guide and protect the lives of our clients, prospects and customers YET how about ourselves.  Like the Physical Trainer that is overweight, like the Realtor that rents instead of owns and like the Insurance Professional that sells Insurance while he/she is underinsured or worse yet uninsured!

I recently did a study of the 40+ Insurance Agencies that I coach and work with directly and the staggering results were that if I was to do a TRUE Life Insurance needs analysis ONLY TWO (2) POSSIBLY THREE (3) of those Agencies have enough Life Insurance for themselves and/or their families!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Mirror Mirror on the wall, do I have enough Life Insurance for all?  September Life Insurance Awareness Month may have truly been for you, have you considered that?  It is not too late to make sure you are aware.  Face your wife/husband today and tell them how much Life Insurance you currently have and ask them this question:  If I was gone tomorrow would you and the kids be ok with this amount of Life Insurance?  You will be remembered always, and TODAY you have the ability to improve that memory by the decisions you make for your loved ones futures!

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