Marketing Outlets in a Digital World

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

For my daily followers, if you saw my message yesterday “The Seven Cardinal Rules of the 80/20 Sales Pro”  I promised today that I would share a list of 40 media outlets to explore that are beneficial in this Digital World that we all live in.

“80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshall has and continues to be an insightful journey into understanding Sales and Marketing as it relates to today’s marketplace.  I know it is providing me with valuable insight in how I invest my time, energy and MONEY in Marketing and Sales and the 80/20 Principle (Pareto Principle) applies directly to this insight.

Perry Marshall states this about marketing, “the first step to getting anyone to listen to you is getting ears and eyeballs.  There’s a huge range of media outlets you can use to get in front of people and/or acquire customers:

  • Foot Traffic and physical space in a Retail Store
  • Radio: AM, FM, satellite
  • Podcasts
  • TV
  • Google Ad Words
  • Ads in e-zines
  • Endorsed email blasts from affiliates
  • craiglist
  • Pop-under and popup ads on other sites
  • postcard mailings
  • Direct-mail letters
  • Facebook ads
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Magalogs-catalogs that look like  magazines
  • Spots in other people’s catalogs
  • FedEx envelopes to highly targeted prospects from carefully selected mailing lists
  • Banner Ads
  • YouTube Videos
  • Telemarketing
  • Press Releases
  • Books
  • eBay
  • Yahoo! stores
  • Amazon Kindle Books
  • Appearance as an “expert” on a talk show
  • Exhibitions at trade shows
  • Infomercials
  • Free white papers
  • Fliers distributed house to house or business to business
  • A custom teleseminar for another person’s email list
  • Guest blogging
  • Reverse auction sites like
  • Ads in magazines
  • Pinterest
  • Remnant space in local newspapers, purchased at deep discount rates
  • Presentation at seminars
  • Magazine articles and e-zine articles
  • Flier inserts in newspapers, magazines, or mail-order shipments (that’s called “insert media”)
  • “Dimensional Mail”-sending people interesting objects with a letter attached. (One guy I know mailed out a six-foot canoe paddle.  Another stuck his note in a pouch stuck to a basketball.  Another mailed an iPod Nano with a personally recorded message on the player)”

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: I hear all the time especially in the Insurance Industry, “NONE OF MY MARKETING WORKS…OR I DON’T KNOW HOW TO MARKET”.  You have just been provided with 40 Media Outlets to generate activity, to get to the ears and eyeballs of consumers.  WHICH 3-4 ARE YOU WILLING TO TRY AND GET INTO EFFECT WITHIN THE NEXT 48 HOURS???   I assure you that if all you do is READ this post and take NO ACTION, then no change will happen for you.  TARGET A NEW MEDIA OUTLET FOCUSED ON THE 20% CUSTOMER YOU LONG FOR THAT WILL BRING YOU 80% OF THE REVENUE STREAM YOU DESIRE.

Comment, Share and Join The List!!!!!  Contact me directly if you need some assistance!!!

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