John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Back to the office today from the conference I was attending and it watching many Insurance Professionals as they were attending 9 hour days, intensive content, immense changes, advancements and peer interaction I took note of the HUMAN COPING MECHANISM.

Let me expand on this and this does not only apply to Insurance Professionals but society as a whole.  In any given situation where large masses of people gather you can witness the “VICES” they have and hold to……Don’t be naive or have that ego that says, “I don’t have any vices, I AM OK”  we all hold vices and coping strategies for the life we live.

Vices can take form in both positive and negative ways YET they exist either way.  What I did find in my experience these past few days, was that the successful representation of professionals tended to have more POSITIVE VICES rather than NEGATIVE VICES.   For example, I saw them exercising in the morning before the meeting, I saw them limiting their food portions and snacks during the meals and/or snacks, avoiding excessive alcohol at the end of the day etc.   While on the other end of the spectrum you could visually see those individuals that were struggling, they tended to be eating much more, drinking much more, were more lethargic towards the end of the day, their conversations were a bit more negative in nature.  The HUMAN EXPERIENCE was present to me these past few days and let to my thoughts today that I hope you can find beneficial.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  How do you cope?  When you are struggling, do you stop and meditate?  Do you exercise, go for a run, lift some weights?  Or when you are struggling do you find yourself eating more, reaching for that extra drink?  Do you sleep in later or maybe stay out later?  Our profession is CONSTANT CHANGE, immense pressure and demands, I challenge you to take a look at those that are successful in your Industry, do they represent more POSITIVE VICES or NEGATIVE VICES.  And ultimately, relate it to yourself and your success, are you a person with POSITIVE, HEALTHY VICES or NEGATIVE, UNHEALTHY VICES?  More and more that I coach Insurance Professionals I find this area is AS IMPORTANT-IF NOT MORE IMPORTANT than their product knowledge and/or Sales skills.  The behavior and coping strategies you utilize IMPACT YOUR BUSINESS….AND YOUR LIFE!!

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