Mondays and Your Business

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Are Mondays a positive day for you or a difficult day to get back in the rhythm? Or does it change from week to week? Today, for me is one of those Mondays in which I am finding it hard to get going and motivated for the business week ahead. So today as I am feeling this way, I thought no better opportunity than to share it with all of you.

What am I doing right in this moment to get moving and motivated for my week? I am following my written plan and my commitments. For example I am committed to writing a blog every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. So I am sitting here right now following through on those commitments. I am also committed to exercise and even though I did not want to get out of bed today, I did. I got in a workout and NO it wasn’t the best workout but it was a follow-through to my commitments. As Insurance Professionals and specifically Agency Business Owners, there is no person that is holding you accountable. You must be your best accountability partner.

A plan, a schedule, a calendar are all tools to help keep us on track. I am a firm believer that was is written down gets accomplished! It does not mean it is always easy and it also does not mean that we won’t have failures, challenges and struggles. Yet, what I believe is that when life and/or your Agency/Business is challenging and you just cannot seem to get moving, that a written plan that you hold yourself accountable to will move you forward.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: How do you cope with difficult days, lack of motivation, feeling in a rut? Is today one of those days for you? If so, what can you do RIGHT NOW to change that momentum? What is your written plan for the day? Do you have one? If not, STOP right now and write one out. What if you held yourself accountable in the same way you hold your Team Members and your children accountable?

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