No More Suit and Tie!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

If you have been following me via this Blog Page, YouTube and/or Facebook and recently on my NEWLY LAUNCHED PODCAST! You will know I challenge the status quo as it pertains to the Insurance Industry.

The message today I want to share is that our industry of Insurance has changed and continues to change at rapid, extreme paces. Along those lines the image of the traditional Old School Insurance Agent needs to change as well. I have a mantra within Agency Elevated, “Agency Business Owner, No Longer a Suit and Tie.”

Now I want you to understand there is nothing against a Suit and Tie in fact I will need to wear one this evening for an Awards Ceremony I will be attending for the large National Brand that I also represent in the Insurance Industry. The message I want you to understand is that the image of the Insurance Agent must change to adapt with the change in the marketplace. The days of appointments at the Dinner table or conference table where you would dress up in a formal suit and tie are no longer the NORM but rather the exception.

As the marketplace continues to change and evolve the Insurance Agency Owner that you are must also change and evolve. I pose this question to you, “Who in your Career told you that you must wear a Suit and Tie?” Chances are you had a Sales Manager, District Manager, or someone that told you this and you took it as fact. And how long ago was this belief birthed into existence? The reality of the marketplace and the consumer of today’s Insurance Products is that they want to do business in the way they want to do business, and to relate with the person or people they do business with. Are you as relatable in a Suit and Tie as you are in nice pair of jeans and polo shirt, or skirt and nice blouse? Are you hiding your tattoos or your nose piercing yet find more often than not the prospect you are speaking with has tattoos and nose piercings, etc.?

The insight and message I am after today is to find your confidence in how you represent yourself. The consumers today seeks TRUTH and REALITY, and I assure you if you are wearing a “Suit and Tie” because someone told you that was the rule and not because that is where your confidence lies, the prospect pick up on that energy. Yet, if your confidence, strength and truth lie in wearing that Suit and Tie, then by all means continue down that path.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Where and in what are you the most confident and powerful? If that is not in a Suit and Tie, men or women than why are you doing it? Are you following status quo of our industry, conforming, fitting in when in all reality you should be sticking out, being unique? Do your prospects and/or clients get a sense of the real you in the way you present yourself? Or are you a fake and a lie because you are not being who you truly are and representing yourself in an image that is not TRUE to yourself? What could be possible if you broke the Old Outdated Mold of the Insurance Agent and created a new Modern, Badass Agency Owner that represents the marketplace of today!

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