Now You Know Where You Are….WHAT’S NEXT

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Halloween and Humpday!

If you read my message from yesterday and you did the WORK, you should have a clear picture of where your Insurance Agency is; NOT RIGHT, NOT WRONG, just where it is! (read Daily Message from yesterday if you missed it)

The hardest part of any plan is what you just embarked on yesterday, FINDING OUT WHERE YOU SIT TODAY, WHAT IS THE TRUTH OF YOUR BUSINESS!Β  It is a difficult mirror to face, the mirror of our own reality especially as it applies to our business.Β  The exercise is answering the questions of where you are, where is your revenue, where is your Staffing levels, where is your Personal Income (and for those of you that are Team Members of an Insurance Agency, where is your career headed?), are designed to be free of judgement and criticism BUT rather to give you a starting point, a measuring point to compare against next month, next 90 days and next year!

So, what is next?Β  If you are clear about where you are, RIGHT NOW, then the next step is to start asking the following questions:

  1. Knowing where I currently sit, where do I want to see my Agency Revenue this time next year?
  2. Knowing where I currently sit, where do I want to see my Staffing/Team this time next year?
  3. Knowing where I currently sit, where do I want to see my Marketing/Operating expenses this time next year?
  4. Knowing where I currently sit, where do I want to see my Agency Sales results this time next year?
  5. Knowing where I currently sit, where do I want to see my Personal Income this time next year?

Simple BUT not easy questions.Β  Yet, you cannot even begin to answer these questions until you are clear of where you sit today.Β  What these questions above are truly doing is SETTING UP YOUR TARGETS/GOALS for the next 12 months.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:Β  If you have followed yesterday’s and today’s message you will see we are going on a journey.Β  Any journey that you take begins with knowing your starting point (the truth about where your Agency is today), after you know the starting point, you can set your GPS to the destination you wish to arrive at (asking questions of what you want), and the next step which we will explore tomorrow is, THE ACTION STEPS necessary to get the journey started and start heading toward your NEW destination.Β  And finally you will need a component of tracking your progress, making sure there is FUELΒ  in your engine and that the OIL is letting your ENGINE of progress keep moving forward!Β  Map your plan, define your starting point and embark on a journey for 2019 that can change the trajectory of your Agency!

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