Overnight Success….IN 10 YEARS!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Monday!  As you get ready to start your work week I wanted to share a concept that has been in my mind for quite some time and I believe can provide insight and inspiration to you as you look at your life/career and it’s success.

How often have you seen that person that to you is an “overnight success?”  You know who I am talking about that person that has the “perfect” home, “perfect” family,  “perfect” cars, “perfect” business and all of it to you seems like it just happened, one day they were like you and the next they were a “SUCCESS”

There is no such thing as an overnight success, behind the scenes and what we are not privileged to see is the work, the pain, the struggles and the challenges that individual had to endure to become that “overnight success.”  That star athlete who has all the talents and the major contracts yet where were you when he/she was practicing every morning at 5 a.m., dealing with injury, dealing with not making the team, failing and wanting to give up?

Our society today likes to portray the “end” that point in which all seems “GREAT”, but we do not get to see the pain and struggles that people endure over the 5, 10 even sometimes 20 years to get to that end point in which the success is portrayed.  Why?  The answer is quite simply this, “IF WE HAD TO SEE THE PAIN AND STRUGGLES, CHALLENGES AND HEART-BREAK THAT HAS TO BE EXPERIENCED OVER TIME TO BECOME AN “OVERNIGHT SUCCESS” WE WOULD PROBABLY CHOOSE TO NOT DO THE WORK.”

For my Insurance Professionals that are reading this message rest your heart, mind and body in knowing that your “perception is not usually reality.”  Seeing the success of others as easy, simple, overnight is not a true perception because the reality is that it took them years and pain, struggle and defeat to become “overnight success.”

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Are you on the brink of your “overnight success” after 5, 10, 15 or even 20 years?  I share with all of you I have been in this industry over 16 years and I am still not the “overnight success”  I know I am destined to be.  Are you looking at others with envy, jealousy, or even spite because they have “overnight success” yet haven’t stopped to see below the surface of the work they had to do, the pain they  had to endure and the defeats they had to experience to get where they are.  I don’t know where you are at in your life and/or business TODAY, yet what I do know is that the place you are is the place you are suppose to be right now and it is a building block, experience, challenge that is making you strong and prepared for your “overnight success” to happen.  Once you can grasp that “overnight success” is not reality you then become FREE to know that you can and will still become the success you are destined for and realize your “overnight” happens when your work, pain and challenge have strengthened you to level to be able to handle the success you are CREATED FOR!

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