Pain Hurts… BUT Pain Means You Are ALIVE!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Where in your life right at this moment are you feeling pain? Is it is your Insurance Agency/Business, is it in your personal Life or is it a combination of the both. And how can you look at this pain from a different light?

As I draft this blog post today I reflect on my 7 year old son who without fail every day upon entering home from my work day will share his injuries he had at school recess that day, a trip on the field, a ball hitting him in the face, the scrape on the knee etc. And of course as a parent I care about his injuries and don’t ever want him to feel pain although if I can step back I realize that the process of his pain is him learning, developing and gaining strength in his development of his life.

I took these thoughts and reflected it as it applies to our Business life. Never and I repeat never have I experienced growth, development and become stronger without experiencing pain. Pain however you and I experience it is a measure that we are still alive!! It is when we stop to feel pain that we are DEAD, literally. So think about your own life, your own business are you feeling pain right now? Does that pain hurt and does it seem overwhelming? Remember the pain you are experiencing is the PROOF that you are still alive and because of that sheer fact ALONE you can gain strength from this pain, you are about to expand, you are growing. We grow from pain, we don’t grow from COMFORT!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Is your business causing you to feel pain right now? Are the rates making your Agency feel financial pain, challenge and/or struggle? Is the lose of that key Team Member causing you pain and you don’t see a path out of the pain, YET? Remember that pain occurs as a symbol of the need to learn, to adapt, to change and to EXPAND. It is a symbolization that you are still alive and as long as you are ALIVE you can grow, you can expand and you can learn. Also, recognize that when in PAIN it is okay to see help, guidance and support from others. PAIN in whatever area of your life is actually a positive as hard as it is to believe because all growth and expansion follows PAIN!!! Very seldom or ever will you expand and grow from comfort and pleasure!!!

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