Planning and Reflection

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Do you have a day of reflection? A day where you reflect on your last week’s successes, challenges or failures? I find that Sundays are a great day of reflection to reflect on what worked during the past week but even more importantly to have a session for your planning for the week ahead. The concept of reflection and planning relates to everybody, not just a Business Owner but also team members employees and the like. It is important to understand where you have been at in your previous results during the past week and even more importantly where you see yourself going for the next week.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: As you’re sitting at home or with your family or the your loved ones and during this time of relaxation and recharge find out for yourself what was successful for you in the past week and brought you Joy. Also, what were areas were you found struggles or failures that you could learn from and improve going forward this week. Most importantly set your plans and your targets for the week ahead on those monuments you want to accomplish. Is there a sales goal you’d like to hit during this next week? As a team member is there a goal you like to accomplish to impress your employer and meet your potential bonuses? Is there a goal for your family or a vacation that you need to plan or coordinate with your family to reconnect there? Life is all about growth and setting up your plans to expand every day, every week, every month, every moment of your life. Ponder for yourself what would make you feel successful and achieved when you return to do the same reflection exercise next week!!!

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