Plant The Seeds..BUT Don’t Forget to Water!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Monday to all of my Insurance friends, followers and connections! I wanted to share a concept with you today that is a great thought to start this work week off with. “Plant Seeds BUT don’t forget to water those seeds.”

Your Agency/Business is all about growth, consistent ongoing growth and just like a plant that grows your Agency must grow as well and every growth starts from just a simple SEED! So I ask you today, where and what seeds are you planting?

Is marketing/advertising a SEED that you are planting? Is staff/team a SEED that you are planting? Is it the expansion of your office that is a SEED you are planting? Whatever the SEED of growth you are planting it is important to understand that is only ONE STEP! The SEED is necessary but no seeds grow without WATER, SUNLIGHT….and TIME!

I have watched countless Insurance Agents fail although they have planted many SEEDS (marketing, referrals, networking, ads, Teams etc.) The problem most often is that those SEEDS were planted with the expectation of instant GROWTH. The steps of watering (nurturing, cultivating) and shining your LIGHT on them was missed! That sprout was just about to break through the surface and you STOPPED! The growth of SEEDS in your Life and Business takes many steps and ULTIMATELY takes TIME! Also, you must recognize that not every SEED is suppose to SPROUT and even worse that some SEEDS sprout as WEEDS! The purpose and nature of your Insurance Agency is to plant many SEEDS, nurture those SEEDS, shine your Light on them, Water them and GIVE THEM TIME to break through the surface!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Have you planted only one or maybe two SEEDS in your Agency and wonder why you are not seeing the GROWTH you expected? Where are you not watering/nurturing your SEEDS? Have you failed to pour out and shine your LIGHT on your staff/team and then wonder why they are not flourishing? Have you tried one Marketing activity, not nurtured it and given it the TIME it needs to develop? What SEEDS of growth NEW can you plant today? More importantly what SEEDS are already planted for your Agency but are just below the surface awaiting some Water (nurturing) and Light from you to help them break through? Lastly, don’t be discouraged when a SEED doesn’t sprout, for it is only in planting many SEEDS that the growth that is meant for YOU can present itself!!

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