Prospect Or Perish!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Success in your Insurance Agency is tied to one thing and ONE THING ONLY….your constant ability to prospect for new clients. A simple concept that if you recall constantly will lead to success…..NO SALE CAN BE MADE WITHOUT SOMEONE TO TALK TO!

Along with your Agency having a Vision Plan and a clear direction on where you are headed along with knowing where you started, the next important component is figuring out how you are going to prospect CONSTANTLY for people to talk with. In my experience working with Agencies I have found there are only TWO reasons that they fail:

  • Poor Time Management
  • Lack of Constant Prospecting

Sales skills can be taught, product knowledge can be gained YET all the Product Knowledge and Sales Skills in the world DON’T MATTER IF YOU DON’T HAVE A PERSON TO DISCUSS IT WITH!!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: In your Agency do you have a plan for PROSPECTING every day? Do you have systems in place to manage your time, alotting time for Marketing and Prospecting (most important components of your Agency)? How do you hold yourself accountable and your Team for Prospecting every day for New Business?

AS A REMINDER: IF YOU ARE AN AGENCY OWNER THAT IS LOOKING FOR WAYS TO ELEVATE YOUR AGENCY (take this type of information into an in-depth discussion) Check out the upcoming 5-Week “Elevate Your Agency” Course AT A LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICE. “CLICK HERE TO SIGN-UP”

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