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Brought To You Today By 85/15 Lifestyle!

Simply put but not always simply followed…Bad health decisions equate to debt, one way or another. Living in debt equates to clouded overall decisions in life, and yes even your business. This means the more you head down the path of not taking the right action in your health, the worse you perform in your overall life, again…including in your business. This all goes back to the blog I wrote a couple of weeks ago “The In-Advertant Approach Brings Direct Results”. If you want to perform at high levels within your Agency you MUST be prepared to take your health seriously. The results that come when feeling your best in your health can be profound in business.

Simply put but not always simply followed…Bad health decisions equate to debt, one way or another. Living in debt equates to clouded overall decisions in life, and yes even your business. This means the more you head down the path of not taking the right action in your health, the worse you perform in your overall life, again…including in your business. This all goes back to the blog I wrote a couple of weeks ago “The In-Advertant Approach Brings Direct Results”. If you want to perform at high levels within your Agency you MUST be prepared to take your health seriously. The results that come when feeling your best in your health can be profound in business.

In my Life Coaching Practice 85/15Lifestyle™  I have always found it easiest to use the analogy of your health is like a “Checking Account”. When we make poor health decisions we withdrawal from our “Health Checking Account”. This shows up in feelings of guilt, not feeling comfortable in our clothes, feeling sluggish, not thinking clearly, pour sleep etc. Eventually, over time with compounded value you will end up with ZERO in your checking account and go into debt. Pour health decisions add up into debt…PERIOD!

Now, how and why does this matter to you, the Agency Business Owner? To put this into perspective best I want you to ask yourself how you feel after you eat a crappy donut for breakfast? What about a big, fattening and greasy lunch with clients or team members? Or one of the most commonly justified ones is NOT EATING breakfast, and sometimes lunch, then getting home and eating everything in sight, while telling yourself it is okay because you didn’t eat all day? Do you after all these scenarios feel sluggish, sleepy, clouded thinking? How about bloated thus making you feel feelings of insecurity. The truly frightening part about all of this is over time these small actions add up as withdrawals from your “Health Checking Account” as if you have endless health dollars in there?  Now ask yourself how you think this might be having a low grade, or for some of you even a high-grade impact on your daily efficiency in your business? My professional guess after working with professionals for years is the impact is more than just notable! Much more!

Here is the GREAT news for those of you reading this who are willing enough to be honest with themselves for the sake of their Agencies future. The In-Advertant Approach Brings Direct Results! This means if you inadvertently wanted to have a direct result you would simply put more into your health Savings Account by making better health decisions day after day and with compounding interest you would end up living abundantly in your business. The easiest, most efficient and NOT universe flipping way to go about this, that I have ALWAYS recommended to ALL, not some but ALL of my clients is, pick 3 things you KNOW without a shadow of a doubt you NEED to be doing in your health and commit! This could be drink more water, eat salads 4x a week and eat breakfast 4 days a week.  Don’t turn your world upside down and revamp your entire life overnight, just KISS (KEEP IT SIMPLE SILLY)! This is a GREAT starting measure to head towards creating an abundant health, which can only equate to an abundant business!

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