John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

This year for me has been a journey in reflection and self-discovery and a major part of what has led to the launch of “Agency Elevated”  a platform to elevate Insurance Agents to Higher Levels of Success.   As well I have learned some valuable insights that have changed the way in which I view my life and circumstances, today I want to share one of those insights.

Stories are a reflection of our reality of our existence.  The stories we tell ourselves become our truth….yet are they truth?  Could you change your stories and thus change your truth?   Ok, ok, I know this may seem a bit confusing but let me give you an example that I believe can be reflected in your Agency/Business and ultimately your life.  Learn this exercise and you can open up the possibility for shifts in your mindset you can never imagine.

Basically, the concept I have learned is that there are 4 dimensions to the stories of our lives:  1) Original Story 2) ME Version of Story 3) Opposite Version of Story and 4) Desired Version.  Let’s use an example and see if this concept sinks in for you.

Original Story: My Company/Carrier sucks they are uncompetitive, restrictive and hard to do business with and it is the reason I am struggling and/or failing.

ME Version of Story (replace Company with ME): I suck and I am uncompetitive and I am hard to do business with and I am the reason I am struggling and/or failing!  (already getting your mind to think differently)

Opposite Version of Story:   My Company/Carrier is GREAT they are competitive and easy to do business with and it is the reason I am excelling and suceeding. (yet again your mind is forced to think differently)

Desired Version of Story: My Company/Carrier is doing what is necessary to maintain our viability in the marketplace and they are looking out for me to be successful and excel long-term and we are each responsible for each others success!

Now this concept I have shown you is an exercise I have learned called, “walking the block”  taking a look at every story that comes in our mind and looking at it through four (4) lenses: Original, ME, Opposite and Desired.  From there you decide which story serves you well and thus changes your truth and existence.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Stories are the reality we create for ourselves, yet those stories are only truth when we perpetuate them into existence.  I have shared with you a concept I have learned and continue to practice daily to re-frame the stories of my life.  How could you utilize this exercise with your Agency struggles?  How could you utilize this exercise with your Parenting struggles?  How could you utilize this exercise with your Relationship struggles?  CHANGE YOUR STORY, CHANGE YOUR LIFE!  Our lives are only a mirror of our inner stories we tell ourselves, if you are telling yourself bad stories, bad life.  Tell yourself stories that serve you and your LIFE WILL SERVE YOU!

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