Marketing Outlets in a Digital World

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

For my daily followers, if you saw my message yesterday “The Seven Cardinal Rules of the 80/20 Sales Pro”  I promised today that I would share a list of 40 media outlets to explore that are beneficial in this Digital World that we all live in. “80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshall has and continues to be an insightful …

Do You Feel Alone On An Island?…..Here Is Your Life Raft

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

It has been stated that owning a business is a lonely venture.  The day to day decisions fall upon YOU, and those decisions can affect the livelihood of your own personal life among those of your employees and their families.   People don’t understand when you fail to connect because your mind is still thinking about the Business or when you …